Here is the link to the excel spreadsheet:!720&authkey=!ALi0lJ-I93ewPhY
The glass wool filter worked well, however, due to ease of use, safety, and cost efficiency, there was a switch to 100% cotton filters. They are uniform in size and shape having a diameter of 5.8 cm.
There seemed to be even less resistance with the cotton, as the flow rate increased, albeit not to a huge extent. This then required a change in the testing time, decreasing from 20 seconds to 15 seconds and finally down to 10 seconds in order to ensure the precision of the readings by allowing use of the smallest graduated cylinder, the most precise measuring tool available.
The clay appeared to be sufficiently permeable and will be incorporated into the sand after 3 days of readings using 100% sand. The clay will be weighed and height approximated to attempt in decreasing the sand height by 5% initially or 0.0177 m. The new sand height will then be 0.336 m which is easily determinable.
If the amount of mixture between the clay and sand is significant, and excessive sand is unusable after the initial clay sand mix test, a cotton filter will be placed between the sediment layers to avoid unnecessary waste.
Clay/sand layering will commence on Mon 23 Mar for initial testing of layered sediment.